Is delerium giving you a message?


noun: delerium

  • 1. a disturbed state of mind or consciousness, especially an acute, transient condition associated with fever, intoxication, and certain other physical disorders, characterized by symptoms such as confusion, disorientation, agitation, and hallucinations: “somewhere a patient shouted in delirium” Similar derangement dementia ,dementedness, temporary madness/insanity
  • Opposite lucidity,coherence.

Journal on them when you look in your soul the next day.

What does water teach us?


My Hands…



Let the Spirit enter…into me…Be born again, so that I am led by Him/Her , and I never know when it will end! Pope Francis


The world is completion and cycles to be embraced…


Eating breakfast together as a slave…


Pope Francis

Let your poem today be a peephole into the complexity and perplexity of the human shadow, your own perhaps. Let it somehow focus on the spiritual process of incorporating your own shadow-side or learning to show compassion for blatant displays of shadow in others.


How to be an elderly woman:


How to Be Old
It is easy to be young. (Everybody is,
at first.) It is not easy
to be old. It takes time.
Youth is given; age is achieved.
One must work a magic to mix with time
in order to become old.
Youth is given. One must put it away
like a doll in a closet,
take it out and play with it only
on holidays. One must have many dresses
and dress the doll impeccably
(but not to show the doll, to keep it hidden).
It is necessary to adore the doll,
to remember it in the dark on the ordinary
days, and every day congratulate
one’s aging face in the mirror.
In time one will be very old.
In time, one’s life will be accomplished.
And in time, in time, the doll—
like new, though ancient— will be found.
May Swenson
Anthologized in Waltzing on Water
edited by Norma Fox Mazer
and Marjorie Lewis




The shattered hearts of the apostles were broken when Jesus died.

But when Jesus blessed the bread, they recognized Him.

The wisdom walk with Jesus is every minute of Jesus’s new state.

Repentance and forgiveness is proclaimed,

What are we walking toward? The Resurrection!

We touch His wounds. They are filled with promise!

The new reality is love and a renewed self.

All things in Christ are the Resurrection!

All sinners hope for R E S U R R E C T I O N!

              4/ ’24

Poetry is a bird…


Poetry is a bird
that lands gently.
Skittish, he’ll leave
if startled.
Pretend you’re not looking.
Admire him
out of the corner
of one eye
as he cleans
his plumage.
Hope that one
lost feather
lands on your page —
to become
a multi-colored

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