Father Boneventure


Father Bonaventure aka John Poland 1961

Pierce my soul with your love, calm and charity.

Let my soul long for you and your home.

Let my soul be dissolved in you, hunger for you.

Bread of Angels, refresh me with holiness, super sustenance, sweet bread.

Let me feed on you, angelic host, fountain of life, wisdom and knowledge, torrent of pleasure, fullness of the house of God.

Let my soul compass you, find you, run to you, meditate on you,

do all for the praise and glory of your name, with humility and discretion, love, delight and perseverance.

Be my confidence, riches, delight, joy, rest, wisdom, portion, passion and treasure.

Fix my mind and heart immovably, Amen.


To see the original prayer by St Bonaventure, go to: