My grand cats are close, but a he and she can be very opposite…


He is a puppy, but male and missing his eyelashes; Loves his big sister to bits…”Salvatore”


Salvatore’s big sister,” Furminator”, will only stay on your lap in a box. She is missing her front legs. So seldom jumps, and doesn’t relish going outdoors to investigate. Salvatore uses a leash to explore..

Both grand cats help their humans to settle down and release stress.

Fur therapy for one and all!



Columbia County Mountain Bike Alliance

(designed by mother and son in tandem)


Mother and son don their baseball hats

Who says every hat

brings a bad hair day? Mothers’

hair springs eternal!



illustrated by Alexander Jasins

James Wright
The girls let stitches out, dress after dress,
To free some swinging body’s riding space
And form the new child’s unimagined face.

from his poem: “Complaint”

Definition #201 Facebook Portrait

Roxy Epoxy's Portrait

Roxy Epoxy’s Portrait

Facebook allows easy

posts, likes, timelines, friending, texts,

showmanship sublime!

Definition #201 Sticking out my tongue

Annika celebrates her tricks on a two-wheeler:  so do Owen and Oliver

Annika celebrates her tricks on a two-wheeler:
so do Owen and Oliver

balance and speed and

steering and braking and weaves

 ‘tween brother and dad

it appears that tongue protrusion when concentrating is hard-wired into our nervous systems. It is an entirely benign condition of those who are focusing their attention.

Einstein's tongue

Einstein’s tongue

Definition #201 Pregnant

Owen and Emily are pregnant with Oliver  to arrive on February 9, 2011

Owen and Emily are pregnant with Oliver
to arrive on
February 9, 2011

Papa protecting

Mama protecting baby

boy from Heaven’s grace!

Definition #200 Grapes on the Vine

Michael, Aneli, Diane,Quenby, Don, Jeanne, Owen, Emily 2007

Michael, Aneli, Diane,Quenby, Don, Jeanne, Owen, Emily

stronger than water

is blood: grapes on the vine: flow

to be fine red wine!

Definition #198 Piglet

fed that Piglette some cabbage by Jeanne Poland

fed that Piglet some cabbage
by Jeanne Poland

fed her some cabbage;

she broke into song: chanted

Gregorian thanks!

Definition 197 Table of Contents

April Prompts Pushed Poems for Poetry Month  2015

April Prompts
Pushed Poems
for Poetry Month

searched revelations


table of contents

Definition #196 Human

Fit Feet to Pedals, Seats and Spokes

Fit Feet to Pedals, Seats and Spokes

humans mimic love-

ancestors; trust pathfinders;

evolve, choose, improve.

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