
emoji-me-face-maker 3

who is this? Owen or Michael?



Michael photo by Nomad Inc


photo of Owen at Farm Store

Happy Birthday Jeanne


Jeanne’s snow suit, circa 1975 (Quenby wears red too!)


Yesterday I had brunch at Quenby’s house.

Now she radiates Big Love, Big Nurturing, Big Visions;

Knows how great middle age can be!

Piggy back on her is wonderful Michael, the dream son in law!

Definition #200 Grapes on the Vine

Michael, Aneli, Diane,Quenby, Don, Jeanne, Owen, Emily 2007

Michael, Aneli, Diane,Quenby, Don, Jeanne, Owen, Emily

stronger than water

is blood: grapes on the vine: flow

to be fine red wine!