

Jeanne is

made in India

ankle dresses

classic unique art


by Raymond Chandler
 novels include Farewell, My Lovely (1940),

The Little Sister (1949),

and The Long Goodbye (1953).

He said: “The most durable thing in writing is style, and style is the most valuable investment a writer can make with his time. It pays off slowly, your agent will sneer at it, your publisher will misunderstand it, and it will take people you have never heard of to convince them by slow degrees that the writer who puts his individual mark on the way he writes will always pay off.”

Grandma Obeys Grandchildren


Teach your children to respect

A gift, opinion, style and grit;

Grasp it quick with head thrown back:

Traditions weaved, styles that fit.


A gift, opinion, style and grit;

Treasured, known, stretched and knit

Worn to make a hit!


Grasp it quick with head thrown back:

Scamper off to stack your pack

Where treasure’s stored (knick-knack.)


Traditions weaved, styles that fit

Listen, keep, culture, quit

That’s about the size of it.

Definition #130 The Four Freedoms

Norman Rockwell The Four Freedoms freedom of speech freedom of worship freedom from want freedom from fear

Norman Rockwell
The Four Freedoms
freedom of speech
freedom of worship
freedom from want
freedom from fear

Norman Rockwell The Problem we all live with

Norman Rockwell
The Problem we all live with

every poet knows:

move on with artwork, style, hues:

freedom of taste reigns!

Love’s Chemistry

Bob Boyajian in the Newport Art Museum

Bob Boyajian in the Newport Art Museum

Awakening burst
of color, form, style, flourish,
dance of lettering!

Blink or Wink?

Meditation Circle
Do you want to BLINK or WINK?

The wink is deliberate.
A humorous communique.

A blink is a shock.
Wha’ happened?
Where do I go from here?

Flutter your eyelids.
Attract some compatibles
And then, in chorus

Jeanne Poland
5/21/2013Meditation Circle



Wood floor wax clings to sheen on laces, toes and wheels:
Dancer’s gloss from twists and turns and jumps and spins;
The rink’s smooth soil that grows the steps to follow rhythm’s beat
The heat, the sweet smell of feet a-rolling twirling treat!

Dancer’s gloss from twists and turns and jumps and spins;
Sequins sparkling:reflections on the walls
And ceilings glitter-mirrored balls.

The rink’s smooth soil that grows the steps to follow rhythm’s beat
The disco, waltz and tango choreography
With drums and bass polyphony.

The heat, the sweet smell of feet a-rolling twirling treat
Alive, amidst the blur of speed, the lycra shimmer suit
Mirrored on my skate, the dusty toe of roller boot!

All rights.

The Thread Runs Through My Life

The Thread Runs Through My Life

A thread is to a hem
As keyboard to computer.
In-put device.

A thread is to a needle
As rich man climbing into Heaven.
Slim chance!

A thread is to a tear
As tape is to a wire.

A thread is to a fabric
As blood is to the human.
Running through!

A thread is to the button
As handle to the gun.
Holds steady.

A thread is to the garment
As redemption to the Bible.
Woven through.

A thread is to the poem
As twinkles to a star.

Jeanne Poland