He’s got my whole world in His hands…



I might be tiny

and You, enormous;


You might be omniscient

and I fragmented;


But still You light my way,

Omnipotent Creator, Redeemer, Sanctifier!

upon awakening


illustrator: J Byron Schachner

upon awakening:


soul: touch your third eye to see your Creator

ego: touch your 5 senses to open them all to sense your Creator

soul: touch your third eye to see your Redeemer

ego: touch your lips, ears, finger tips, eyes, nose, to sense your Redeemer

soul: open to cleansing to touch your Sanctifier

ego: open to pain and read its lesson from the Sanctifier

Fear is painful until it is examined. Then it discerns

fight or flight

panic or love

and chooses!


(If you have knee replacements and can’t kneel, try this:

Stand and reach down to touch your toes. Bending thus, touch your third eye, and 5 senses. When finished reach to the sky 3x and exhale breathing out your submission, acceptance and promise of valor!)

I’m scared


I’m scared

I’m scared
of letting go of my
moves me
Imagination flies me off
the ground.
status puffs me up with fluff.
If I let the Creator take over
His mystery will bring ambivalence.
And so
I’m scared.
Did you say: “start to trust him?”
I am not a child.
Or maybe, to Him I am.
Christ  and Sanctifier,
show me the Father.
And the Mother
and the adult child that is me.
Just for today.

This poem is about: 

Tue, 02/26/2019 – 10:41 written for PowerPoetry– jeannepoland

My Holy Spirit (2)


Owl symbolizes wisdom. Holy Spirit brings wisdom to help us examine our lives; shows us past denial and self deception. He conforms us to the image of God’s son.

Your wisdom-eyes pierce the darkness of the night;
Inner light speeds vision through the trees and haze.
Your gizzard guides you in the storm, the winds
Make way for victory-guardian’s flighted maze.

Inner light speeds vision through the trees and haze:
You hear our cries, our pleas for mercy, sight,
The holy view, You knew, in Christ Your Son.

Your gizzard guides you in the storm, the winds
A rally-call, a tumult-spin, a war to win:
Protector’s wide spread wings!

Make way for victory-guardian’s flighted maze:
A guiding bird, watchful gaze, prophet
Of holiness! sanctifier-spirit!