third eye…

Skinny-Dipping in Vathy
by Barbara Quick

Above the azure inlet of the sea,
the path was steep, carved out between
the thistles, thorns and wind-blown rock.

He left her at the top to find a sheltered place
they wouldn’t be seen descending to the shore.
She waited, fully clothed there,
till, looking down, she saw his gleaming skin
and upturned face above the churning deep,
as if he’d changed from man to seal
and loved this transformation.

She shed her clothes and picked her way
as far down as she could on tender feet—
then took a leap of faith, exchanging rock
for empty air, a rush of cold and bubbles
in her hair. Her toes touched seaweed
as she swam toward her selkie mate.

Two naked, slippery people,
seventy and sixty-five,
feeling so alive and filled with joy,
treading water side by side in the extra-salty,
turquoise blue Aegean Sea, rich in iodine,
with the power to heal
all kinds of wounds.

They tasted salt and kissed,
two shipwrecked sailors
who’d managed to survive.

Barbara Quick, “Skinny-Dipping in Vathy” from The Light on Sifnos. Published by Blue Light Press. © 2021 Barbara Quick.



illustrator: Walter Koessler


renewal requires:



third eye





the sacred


upon awakening


illustrator: J Byron Schachner

upon awakening:


soul: touch your third eye to see your Creator

ego: touch your 5 senses to open them all to sense your Creator

soul: touch your third eye to see your Redeemer

ego: touch your lips, ears, finger tips, eyes, nose, to sense your Redeemer

soul: open to cleansing to touch your Sanctifier

ego: open to pain and read its lesson from the Sanctifier

Fear is painful until it is examined. Then it discerns

fight or flight

panic or love

and chooses!


(If you have knee replacements and can’t kneel, try this:

Stand and reach down to touch your toes. Bending thus, touch your third eye, and 5 senses. When finished reach to the sky 3x and exhale breathing out your submission, acceptance and promise of valor!)

I am not my body…


A Deck of Pornographic Playing Cards

We were ten or eleven, my friend and I,
when we found them up under a bridge,
on top of a beam where pigeons were resting.
Someone had carefully hidden them there.
On each was a black-and-white photo,
no two cards alike. We grew quiet and older,
young men on our haunches, staring at
what we feared might be the future.
The pigeons flapped back to their roosts,
rustling and cooing. The river gurgled
as it slipped from the bridge’s cool shadow.
There were women with big muzzled dogs,
women with bottles and broom handles.
Stallions stood over the bodies of others.
The women smiled and licked their lips
with tongues like thorns. We grew old.
We were two old men with stiff legs
and sad hearts. We had wanted to laugh
but we couldn’t. We had thought we were boys,
come there to throw stones at the pigeons,
but we were already dying inside.
Ted Kooser
in Weather Central



Jeanne Poland in 2019


I am not my body

but holy outrage too

passionate beliefs-

that straddle the universe

golden light –

from my third eye to the tip of my toes


that renders me eternal and able to transform

my body is a humble servant-

loyal for generations and sculpted by my tribe

Jeanne Marie Margaret DeLoca  Sr Virginia Mary of Christ  Poland  Smith






Why Fi?

Why fly?






Third Eye




Third Eye


Bengali moment

scribes wisdom’s strokes, magic folks

seeing eye from soul

Definition #183 Artist

Jeanne the artist strikes a note!

Jeanne the artist
strikes a note!

 “I am

a birdbrain;

I have no right

to sing.”

jch 7/9/2014

My Song:

What is an artist?


See with third eye

Breathe in the Spirit

Blossom with passion

Perceive light and shadow



Create like the creator’s daughter

Celebrate diversity!

Pattern #38 Macro-Bio

Iceland Volcano Glacier

Iceland Volcano Glacier

In atoms, science
brings divining- seen with third
eye: soul enlarging!

Tongue Twister #41 Intimacy

Photo by Seth Snap


Into me see

Into you see.

Into God see.

Into destiny

Hu mil i ty
Third eye-see.

Glory be!
To see ‘n be free!