archetype: teacher

Jeanne Poland-Quick Silver Calligraphy

in 2005 the lights came to change illusion to illumination

like my mentor, my calling changed from medical intuitive to healer:

Entering the castle by Caroline Myss
“I believe that the divine is everywhere and exists within even the most intimate details of our lives. All that we experience today has its purpose in tomorrow’s events; sometimes, the purpose is not evident for years of tomorrows. Yet, God prepares you for your spiritual journey, no matter how complicated, painful, or demanding it might become. For this reason, patience, trust, and faith must become constants for you; you cannot, and indeed you must not, even attempt to believe you know what is best for you. The divine will reveal its plan for you; you have to be open to receive it.

 It takes great courage to get to know your soul. This is because, once you do come to know it-and engage its power and live according to its authority-the divine itself will come to call. Once you are conscious of your soul, you are likely to be ‘called.’ Facing that call also requires courage because it can take you to both intensely light and intensely dark places.”

~ Caroline Myss

Pattern #25 Cross

Photo by Quenby  Intersection

Photo by Quenby

Right angles pierce di-
mensions; divine to earthly
separate nevermore!

My Holy Spirit (5)


Wind dancer: Hummer Warrior;
Dazzling feathers of red and green;
Sacred Bird; tireless energy;
Nectar of Joy, Swiftness and Balance.

Dazzling feathers of red and green
From gray to the sun’s brightest hues:
Resplendent, divine whispered dews.

Sacred bird: tireless energy
Apparitions of ancestors past:
Their magic and chantings ring fast!

Nectar of Joy, Swiftness and Balance:
All nature bows down in worship
Before thee, Wind Dancer,Hum Warrior!