Tongue Twister #36 Distance 7

Fawn to Doe

Tame to wild
Held to lift
Small to tall
Slow to swift.

Milk to bark
Bleat to nod
Nest to field
Soft to hard

Babe to Doe
Sniff to know
Shift to surge
Rest to go

My Holy Spirit (5)


Wind dancer: Hummer Warrior;
Dazzling feathers of red and green;
Sacred Bird; tireless energy;
Nectar of Joy, Swiftness and Balance.

Dazzling feathers of red and green
From gray to the sun’s brightest hues:
Resplendent, divine whispered dews.

Sacred bird: tireless energy
Apparitions of ancestors past:
Their magic and chantings ring fast!

Nectar of Joy, Swiftness and Balance:
All nature bows down in worship
Before thee, Wind Dancer,Hum Warrior!